Sparks from the Infinite by Il Cenacolo
"Sparks from the Infinite", Il Cenacolo Publications - Milan - Italy is now also available in the USA, UK and other English speaking countries thanks to Fultus Publishing. For further information, visit: www.fultus.com
Is a book whose intrinsic value does not reveal itself at a first reading.
It is a collection of mediumistic transcripts, received for more than thirty years by the Spiritualistic Centre “Il Cenacolo” of Milan. These teachings have been dictated by an Angel of God (an Entele); they therefore do not originate from a human source. The reader becomes aware of this little by little as he examines the text more closely, struck by the purity and profundity of the concepts illustrated. In the specific part concerning the Gospels, the figure of Christ emerges in its absolute divinity; the example and the word of the Only Begotten, freed from distortions of the traditions and from human interpretations, are the heart of the teaching offered to the whole humanity without discriminations: water, when pure, appeases every thirst. This teaching involves the most different sides of human life. The book comprises passages on apparently scientific topics without validity of their own, which are instead helpful to understand the so called marginal aspects, expressing a unique and grand movement inside which we must understand and put into effect the meaning of “know how to live”. The work is available in two inseparable volumes. Book dimensions 7'' x 10'', pages 1140, hardcover POD.
Table of Contents
PREFACE (human) AD MAIOREM DEI GLORIAM! NOTE INTRODUCTION THE COUNSEL OF THE ENTELE ENTELIC PRESENTATION PRAYER OF JOHN PRAYER OF MARY THE CONCEPT OF MOTHER/SPIRIT THE MYSTERY THAT IS MARY AND THE CHRIST THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - After the Crucifixion of Christ, how and where did Mary live? PART ONE "GOSPEL" WORDS TO THE FAITHFUL Chapter One THE SACRED SCRIPTURES-THE APOCALYPSE SUMMARY I THE CONCEPT OF THE LIVING GOD THE UNITY AND TRINITY OF GOD THE TRINITY OF GOD AND FREEDOM OF WILL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Does the Triune Unity retain the distinction between Its component elements in the Infinite, beyond the evolutionary planes bound up with the finite, or does It appear fused into the Unity of its Origin? Does the manifestation of Love by the Father in the finite also remain in the planes of Understanding and Wisdom or does Unity reign there without manifesting itself in three different ways? - Does the descent of the Only Begotten Son, which marks the start of an epoch for individual being, also possess significance as an expression of time for the Infinite? Likewise, does the ascent of Christ and His return to the Father possess significance as a time factor for the Infinite as well? - Does there exist a visible impression of the Only Begotten Son in the Heavens? - In speaking of the Trinity you used expressions such as “first stage” and “epoch”, words that have a precise meaning for us humans, and which seem to us to clash with the concept of eternity towards which You lead us. Would you clarify this? - The Eternal said to Moses: “Speak to all the assemblies of the children of Israel and say to them: You must be Holy, for I, the Everlasting, am Holy.” - Can You speak to us of the complex motion of the Father who descends as the Son, then returns as Father yet remains Father and Son to mankind? - Does the same indelible sign exist on earth through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit? THE MOVEMENT OF THE REDEMPTION OF HUMANITY - You said: “Satan brought gold, incense and myrrh among you.” Weren’t these the gifts which the Magi offered to Jesus? THE LORD’S PRAYER IN THE ENTELIC INTERPRETATION - In the prayer of the Only Begotten Son there are the words: “ Preserve us from temptation and deliver us from evil.” Why does it say this instead of: “Take temptations away from us”? THE LORD’S PRAYER AND THE NEED FOR PRAYER SUMMARY II INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL THE DESCENT OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN AND THE ENERGY MOVEMENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Christ never spoke to the Apostles of energies. Why should this be so if energies are of such immense, basic importance? - You said; “by power and not by wisdom”. But don’t these energies, once absorbed, produce knowledge? 36 - Why is there never any mention in the Gospels of the fact that Jesus’s body cast no shadow and His feet left no imprints? - Were the events of the Gospels recorded arbitrarily by the Evangelists or were they prescribed to them? - What birds were they that the Holy Child shaped and that began their life in the finite under His breath? - Did Christ leave writings as some have declared? - Could you clarify the way in which the interpretation of the Gospels is to be understood? MEANING AND POTENTIAL CONCEPT OF NUMBER THE GOSPEL, CHRIST AND THE APOSTLES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Christ first chose “2” apostles, Peter and Andrew, then another “2”, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. Why “2” and “4”? Why not “3” men called to the task of sowing? - What are the evolutionary differences between the Evangelists? - What is the substantial significance of the fact that the Apostles were three years with Christ? - Why did Christ call Himself Son of man when He was Son of God? The Church justifies the expression through the mistaken human genealogy of Christ according to which the Godhead is traced back to Adam, the father of humanity - Why did Peter, a believer, deny Christ three times? - Three times Christ asked Peter if he loved Him and when he declared his love, He said twice: “Feed my lambs” and the third time “Feed my sheep”. What is the substantial significance of this reply and the meaning of the difference of the third reply from the other two? - Peter and John in the hour of Christ’s judgement: the former, who was to be the Church’s founder, denied Him or was placed in the situation where he had to deny Him, while the latter was present among His judges and the crowd but made invisible - Christ was followed by the disciples in His teachings. Did Judas follow Him of his own free will or was he called? ENTELIC COMMENT INTRODUCTION OF THE FOUR GOSPELS “WORD”: EXPRESSION IN THE INFINITE AND AMONG MEN THE BEGINNING OF THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW (Mt 1,17) AND OF LUKE (Lk 1,26-38) THE BEGINNING OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN (Jn 1,18) FROM THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW (Mt 1,18-26) FROM THE GOSPEL OF JOHN (Jn 1,26-31) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Of the Gospels, only two mention the birth of Christ, while the others omit this. What is the reason? - In the birth of Christ there must have been some addition of matter. - Is the genealogy of Jesus provided by Matthew and Luke and referring to Joseph and Mary intended to prove the origin of both the partners? - Matthew, while providing Christ’s human genealogy in order to link the first Law with the new Law for human minds, takes care to stress a certain number, namely generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David to the exile in Babylon and 14 from the exile to Christ - And what about the threefold division? - What is the significance of Christ’s work being begun during the age of the Gentiles? - Has the fact of Christ’s birth in the Middle East a special significance? - Is there a connection between the Resurrection of Christ and the spring time? SUMMARY III CIRCUMCISION AND BAPTISM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What is the sacred and esoteric meaning of the letter “SCIN” in the cabala of the Essenes (the people among whom Jesus was brought up), which transforms the name of God (Jehova) into the name “JEOSCIUA”, the original name of Jesus? - Was Christ “brought up among the Essenes?” - In potential form? - The “upbringing of Christ” was mentioned - What is the substantial significance of Baptism? Its repetition in every reincarnation seems to conflict with the significance previously explained. - Should baptism be administrated at birth, as is done by the Church? - When Enteles such as you baptize, is this your gift or an act of the Law? - Under the First Law what is the substantial significance to be sought in the circumcision to which - so the Gospels relate - Christ also submitted? - Why did Christ submit to Baptism and what was the significance of the temptations in the desert? - Would you clarify the words of Christ, when He said: “Man does not live by bread alone”. VARIOUS QUERIES ABOUT THE GOSPELS - The concept of “descent” as compared with “nativity”. The human need for this recurrent festival. - Ecclesiastical doctrine holds that the first three verses of the Gospel according to John provide the basis of the fundamental Truth of the Church, namely the personality, eternity and divinity of the Word. - “The Word became flesh”...The Church interprets this as “was made flesh, that is to say man” and by this it records the humiliation willed and submitted to by the Word in order to be able to suffer and hence atone. Did the Divine have to atone? - The Divinity, according to the Church’s interpretation, had to make atonement? Why was this so? - Why did Gabriel say to Zacharias: “Your prayer has been granted”, as if to announce the coming of a child which his age would no longer have permitted him to have? - Why did Elizabeth remain in concealment for five months after the annunciation? - Why did the Baptist leap in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary visited her? - What comparison can be made between Mary’s misgivings and those of Zacharias? The latter led to dumbness for the sake of concealment: what can be said about the former? - How was it that the Harbinger felt certain doubts? - Why did the Baptist recognise Christ and then give in to doubt and fail to follow Him? - How can one conceive of different types of doubt? - Is doubt merely one point in the evolutionary state of the individual? - How could Peter, who was all faith, all love, all energy misunderstand Christ’s words? - A comparison between Cephas = the Apostle Peter (“the rock”) and Caiaphas = the rock the High Priest of the Temple. - Why has the Church linked together Peter and Paul? What is the essence of these two individualities? - What is the significance of the terms used by Paul: psyche/soul nous/spirit? Was he wrong or was he unaware of reincarnation, seeing that he taught that the soul would be clothed in flesh again at the day of judgement? - What is the significance of the cry: “Saul, Saul..”.? Why not “Paul, Paul”? - Is there really documentary evidence of Peter’s death by crucifixion in Rome? Why is so little mention made, on the other hand, of Paul, whose sojourn in Rome is known for certain and who taught much there? - Is there a potential significance in Peter’s inverted position when he was crucified? - The two quantities Baptist and Evangelist: are they a single entity? - Should we see John the Baptist as representing a limitation as compared with John the Continuer? - Was the beheading of the Harbinger the completion of a cycle or an act of self-will on the part of the person who sentenced him? - What are the links existing between the two John movements and the Christ movement. 67 - If the Baptist was “that same Elijah”, was the second John, the Evangelist, likewise a chosen spirit who had accomplished the evolutionary movement? - Where did John, the Continuer, accomplish his cycle after Christ’s ascent? What was the nature of his union with Mary? MOSAIC LAW AND CHRISTIC LAW FIRST LAW AND SECOND LAW THE FIRST LAW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - In the Mosaic Law there are two sayings: “Love your fellows as yourself” and “Honour your father and your mother”. What is the reason for these different ways of expressing the same sentiment? - Sometimes you have said: “Love your fellow as yourself”; at others: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. Is there any difference between the two statements? - “The Law and the Prophets lasted until John, from that time the Good News of the Kingdom of God is announced and every one of you enters it of necessity”. - “Do not believe that I have come to abolish but to fulfil”. - Did Christ not mark the end of the Mosaic Law? - What is the relation between the First Law with its tables inscribed on the stone and the Sermon on the Mount delivered by Christ? - What is the substantial significance of the two movements: Sinai - Tabor? - What is the substantial significance of the divine triangle: Sinai, Tabor, Golgotha? - What is the significance of the “10” Commandments and the “2” Tables? - Were the two articles only in the first Law inscribed and shattered by Moses or also in the second? - Did the “12” movements represent the evolutionary movement to attain the Christic movement? THE LAW OF CHRIST = LAW OF LOVE SUMMARY IV ANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL VALUES OF THE DIVINE EXPRESSIONS GOSPEL EPISODES AND EXPRESSIONS - Jesus and Nicodemus (Jn. 3, 1-8). What is the motive of the visit by night to Christ? What is the significance of the words of Christ: “The winds blows where it wills”? Does the wind perhaps represent an independent motion? Have you not spoken of the “wisdom” of the wind? - The substantial significance of the episode of the merchants being driven from the Temple and Christ’s curse upon the Temple itself (Jn 2, 13-15) - The meaning of the expression: “Peace is not for the wicked” - The significance of the expression “Let the dead bury their dead” (Lk 9, 60;Mt 8,22) - The significance of the expressions: “I have not come to bring peace but the sword” (Mt 10, 34-36; Lk 12, 49-53) - “The Kingdom of Heaven shall be a prey to the violent” (Mt 11, 17) - To the Apostles who asked Him why they had been unable to free the man possessed by a deaf and dumb spirit, Christ answered: “This sort of demon cannot be driven out save by prayer and fasting” (Mt 17, 21; Mk 9, 29). What is the significance of this expression? - The significance of the episode of the “Ten lepers” (Lk 17, 11-19). - The miracle of the Pool of Bethesda (Jn 5, 5-14), the only case when the healing was granted without being requested - Christ said to those who had received the benefit of the miracle: “Go and say nothing..”.. (Mt 2, 4; Mt 9, 30; Mk 1, 44) - The significance of the boat tossed by the storm on the lake (Mt 8, 23-26) while Christ slept at the back of the boat. The simultaneousness of the two movements. The Church teaches that the boat represents itself - The significance of Christ’s walking on the storm-tossed waters of the lake (Jn 6,19). - The significance of the expression “No one is a prophet in his own country” (Mt 13,57) - The episode of the woman taken in adultery (Jn 8, 1-11) and of the Magdalene (Lk 7, 37-38). - Jesus in speaking of the Magdalene said: “....Many sins are forgiven her because she has loved much” (Lk 7, 47). So did Christ extol the Magdalene’s loves? - Christ said: “I tell you in all truth that some are here present who will not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God” (Mt 16, 28) - The Gospel of John warns: “....when the envoys of the Lord will be sent out...”. To whom was Christ referring. - In foretelling the end of Jerusalem Christ said: Take heed that your flight be not on the Sabbath nor in winter...”. (Mt 24,20) - Christ said: “You will seek Me and you will not find Me and where I am you cannot come (Jn 7,34-36). Isn’t the way of return to the Father always open? - Christ, the “Way, Truth, Life” (Jn 14, 6) always repeated to His disciples the expression, “verily, verily I say unto you”, as if His words had need of a special verification - In Luke (8,17), we read: “There is nothing hidden that shall not be made manifest nor anything secret that shall not be made known”; and further on: “The man that has will be given more and the man who has not will forfeit even what he thinks he has” (Lk 8,18). What are we to understand by hidden and secret things that will be made manifest and what relation is there between the first and second part of the verse? 92 - “... I was hungry and you fed Me, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, I was naked and you clothed Me, I was ill and you came to My aid, I was in prison and you visited Me” (Mt 25, 35-36). Have all these words their precisely literal meaning? - “I shall dwell in him who knows how to live in Me” (Jn 15, 4). The Everlasting has established the indissolubility of the union of Father and Son; and as were God and Christ, so will be God and His Angels and His children - Significance of the saying: “You will be like Gods, you will have the power to distinguish Good and Evil” (Genesis 3, 5) - What is the significance of the parable of the mother who asked for “bread” for her children and to whom Christ refused it? The mother said: “Even the stray dog has the right to a crumb”. Christ replied: “Your faith has saved you”. (Mt 15, 22-28; Mk 7, 25-30) - Would you clarify the significance of the saying: “If your right eye is the cause of your sinning, tear it out and throw it away” (Mt 5, 29-30). The same is said for the right hand. Why the right one? Why not the foot as well? - The demons that possessed the two Gadarenes replied to Christ’s question, “What is your name?”, by saying: “Do not torment us”. Finally they asked Christ not to send them into the pit but to permit them to enter into a herd of swine that were feeding nearby (Mt 8, 28-34; Mk 5, 1-20) - Significance of the saying: “Knock and it will be opened to you” (Mt 7, 7; Lk 11, 9) - The significance of the saying: “In proportion as it has been given to you, so it will be asked of you” (Lk 12. 48) ENTELIC INVOCATION SUMMARY V PARABLES THE LIVED PARABLE: THE DESERT THE PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON THE THREE MIRACLES FIRST MIRACLE: THE MARRIAGE IN CANAE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What is the intrinsic significance of the marriage in Canae? - “Water the food of the astral body”: does the astral body need food? - “That which I have united cannot be divided”: what is the significance of this with regard to marriage and the binomial of the soul? - How can it happen that the two terms of the unity may be of the same sex in one or more reincarnations? - In Genesis (2,20) we read: “Erint duo in carne una”. Isn’t there an opposition between this and what You teach about the soul binomial? - How should marriage be regarded on earth? - There is a proposal to introduce divorce: would the innovation represent an improvement or a deterioration in society? - Have the terms “matrimony” and “marriage” the same substantial significance?......... 104 SECOND MIRACLE: THE TWOFOLD MULTIPLICATION OF THE LOAVES AND FISHES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Christ did not distribute the loaves but gave them to the Twelve. telling them to distribute them. What is the significance of this? - Amongst the Twelve there was also the betrayer - “Crowd” says Christ, “mass” say You. Why? - What is the relation between the two manifestations of the multiplication of the loaves and the significance of the different quantities of bread and fishes that appears in them? THE SOUL’S RESURRECTION THIRD MIRACLE: THE RESURRECTION OF LAZARUS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - In the Lazarus movement there are two points about which we would like to receive further clarification: the Godhead, at the announcement of Lazarus’s illness, did not hasten immediately to his assistance but remained another two days in the same place; the Godhead, upon the Twelve’s mentioning the danger of returning to Judaea, said: “Are there not twelve hours in the day?” The Godhead’s delay in intervening as asked, His subsequent eagerness in bringing aid, even though it was dangerous to do so - how are these connected, how can they be explained? - In the Gospel it says that Christ wept only once, for the resurrection of Lazarus. Why? - Are John and Lazarus two distinct individualities or is there a repetition here of the analogous fact of Simon becoming Peter through the new name given him by the Master? - Martha and Mary: what do they teach us by their different modes of conduct in relation to Christ? RESURRECTION, REBIRTH IN FAITH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Is it true that at the moment of Jesus’s arrest the Apostles abandoned Him? - “Pray so that you may not fall into temptation”. Should this saying be understood as a call to work? Does substantial work make it possible to avoid temptation? - Why did the Crucifixion take place at Easter? - What is the significance of the washing of the disciples’ feet? - What is the difference between fall and downfall? (In the original caduta and precipitazione - Translator’s note) THE THREE FALLS OF CHRIST BENEATH THE CROSS THE SUBSTANTIAL TEACHING TO BE DRAWN FROM A COMPARISON BETWEEN PETER AND DISMAS THE APPARITION BY THE LAKE OF TIBERIAS (Jn 21, 4-11) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What is the significance of the blood and water that flowed from Christ’s side? - Was Barabbas really the one crucified on the left side or was he instead reprieved?. - What comparison can be made between the two figures called “Joseph” in the Christic movement? SUMMARY VI THE MEANINGS OF THE CROSS CHRIST’S UNCEASING AID TO HUMANITY THE SIGN OF THE CROSS CONFESSION ITS SUBSTANTIAL SIGNIFICANCE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Would you give us further clarification of the question of ritual and substantial confession? THE SEVEN SAYINGS OF THE CROSS SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MOVEMENT “ASCENT” AND THE CONCEPT OF “REMISSION OF SINS” THE APOCALYPSE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - The Apocalypse is so hermetic that it appears a puzzle. It is supposed to represent the course of events on earth until their end. Would you tell us why it is so hermetic and why Francis of Assisi, Augustine and other learned and wise men never referred to it? - There is nothing which ought not to be clarified. Why this hermeticism? - How is it possible to discover the point of the Apocalypse we have reached today? Chapter two. GOSPEL SUMMARY I ENTELIC CLARIFICATIONS OF THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - In the lives of Confucius and of Buddha manifestations are found which are the same as those of Christ: the same in their birth in poverty, the same in teaching; both had the Sermon on the Mount and of Buddha it is said that he was born of a virgin. What is the substantial significance of these manifestations that are repeated for two human beings as in the case of those of the Divine? JESUS - THE CHRIST THE UNIQUENESS OF THE CHRISTIC MANIFESTATION THE THREE PHASES OF THE MAN-GODHEAD RELATIONSHIP HOW THE MANIFESTATION OF THE CHRISTIC RAY TAKES PLACE SUMMARY II CHRIST CONSIDERED AS GOD AND AS MAN THE COMING OF CHRIST IN ITS ESSENCE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Would you explain further the relation between the teaching and work of Jesus? - Can you clarify the human significance of Christ’s coming? - How is it possible to interpret Christ’s life correctly? THE CHRISTIC MANIFESTATION: CHRISTMAS THE GIFTS TO MANKIND AND OF MANKIND QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Would you further clarify the concept of gifts and that of the promise to which you made reference? - What relation exists between the Father and His Son with regard to the birth of the latter? 154 - Was Christ really in every part of the world? FIRST CHRISTIC MANIFESTATION CHRISTIC RAY SECOND CHRISTIC MANIFESTATION CHRISTIC RAY THIRD CHRISTIC MANIFESTATION CHRISTIC RAY THE WORK OF CHRIST AND THAT OF MEN OF GOOD WILL CHRISTIC RAY JESUS: GODHEAD OR PROPHET? CHRISTIC RAY THE IDENTITY OF THE GODHEAD IN THE ONLY BEGOTTEN CHRISTIC RAY EPIPHANY SUMMARY III THE TREE OF LIFE CHRISTIC RAY THE FALL - THE EVOLUTION CHRISTIC RAY SUMMARY IV THE CONCEPT “COMMUNION” QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What is the true meaning of “communion”? CORPUS CHRISTI CHRISTIC RAY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Will you again clarify for us the significance of Corpus Domini and of the Communion? THE PERENNIAL CONTACT OF THE EVERLASTING WITH THE FINITE CHRISTIC RAY SUMMARY V WAY-TRUTH-LIFE CHRISTIC RAY THE CHRISTIC TRINITY: WAY-TRUTH-LIFE ECCE HOMO! CHRISTIC RAY THE REASON FOR THE RESURRECTION THE THREE DAYS SUMMARY VI THE ACCURSED FIG-TREE CHRISTIC RAY THE LIFE OF CHRIST: THE EXAMPLE CHRISTIC RAY “IF YOU WILL DO AS I HAVE DONE...” CHRISTIC RAY GOLGOTHA CHRISTIC RAY THE THREE DONATIONS OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN TO MANKIND THE DIVINE PEACE SUMMARY VII SIGNIFICANCE OF “PASSION WEEK” AND OF “EASTER AND RESURRECTION” “EASTER” IN ITS SUBSTANTIAL SIGNIFICANCE AND ITS HUMAN ONE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CRUCIFIXION AND THE CONCEPT OF FORGIVENESS THE SYNTHESIS OF THE VITAL MOVEMENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What is the significance of the threefold Christic movement represented by Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascent? CONCEPT OF CHARITY THE CHRISTIC PARABLE THE DISPUTE IN THE TEMPLE - TRANSFIGURATION – RESURRECTION CHRISTIC RAY THE THREE PERIODS OF HUMAN EVOLUTION CHRISTIC RAY MEN OF GOOD WILL CHRISTIC RAY THE BOOK OF LIFE: EASTER CHRISTIC RAY “WHOSO FEEDS...” CHRISTIC RAY PREPARE THE NEW GENERATIONS CHRISTIC RAY THE PRIME WORDS CHRISTIC RAY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How should one interpret the expression “to be born again of the Spirit” and what is the substantial meaning of being reborn and rising again? - What is the substantial relation between Truth and life? - What is the true interpretation of the two terms: “safety” and “salvation”? - Why did Christ never become angered, never smile? - God “cursed” Cain, say the Scriptures; Jesus “cursed” the fig-tree. What does “cursing” mean, at least in these two cases? THE FRUITS OF THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE CHRISTIC RAY LOVE IS A MATHEMATICAL LAW BREAD OF THE SOUL OR GOSPEL OF CHRIST PART TWO "ENTELIC TEACHING" CHAPTER ONE THE ENTELE GUIDE AND MEDIUMSHIP SUMMARY I ADMONITION WHO IS THE ENTELE GUIDE SUMMARY II WHAT IS MEDIUMSHIP MEDIUMSHIP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What is ectoplasm? - In the motion of materialization in mediumistic séances, how do the entities participate? 238 - Isn’t ectoplasm taken from the environment, from the medium? - It is reported that a medium was used by an entity who had been a doctor, to perform an operation of appendectomy. Is this true? If it is, how does the event take place if the operation is performed on a patient who has not been anaesthetized? - When the medium has lost the contact with the guide, can an uncontrolled manifestation by some entity occur? - Why don’t the entities also use the medium’s sight? An exception was witnessed by us in a manifestation which was produced some time ago - When the medium is under the influence of a non-astral entity does he embody that entity’s physical form? - During the trance, or at any rate in the medianic function, has the medium’s psyche a clearer vision of life? Does the medium at that moment become a Spirit amongst the Spirits? - Does the physical aura of the medium disappear? - Does the thread that binds it with the self remain unbroken? - And how can it be in such a different position from that of its material part? - Why does the medium always keep his hand in the same position when you speak? - Do some entities, as they enter into the medium’s aura, have mnemonic difficulties? - But do the entities find themselves in difficulty? - The weight of a physical medium during the levitation of a table was increased by a quantity equal to that of the weight of the table. During a medianic materialization, however, it was observed that the medium’s weight diminished by a quantity equivalent to the weight of the materialized object. How and from what causes does this happen? - When does an entity materialize without the presence of a medium? - In consequence of a physical trauma an English violinist spoke in ancient Greek and Latin for six weeks, with perfect command of style, without errors or dissonances. What is the mechanism underlying this phenomenon?. - Sometimes the Enteles help humans by making use of the presence of other humans whom they have indicated and whom they place in certain positions or patterns. What is the significance of this intervention involving humans? Is it a teaching or a contribution of energies? If the thought of helping is already in itself action, why should this thought then have to materialize in order to act? - How does the Entele perceive the thought movement? - Can an entity receive a question which is formulated only in thought? - Must the mental question be asked in the presence of the medium? - What is the physical sensation that indicates to a human the correct answer to a given question directed to the Entele when the medium is not present? That is to say, how can one be certain that the energies projected onto one in reply, from beyond the limit, take the shape of one answer rather than another? - Does the medianic manifestation come about through the presence of the soul or of the Spirit of one who has passed over? - Do the medianic qualities always remain with an individual? - When we have signs must we take them as warnings? - Is it possible that other entities may enter into communication while a transmission from an Angel is taking place? - Why is it that while it can happen that one receives a reply from an Entele simply by directing a question in thought, sometimes the question has to be translated into speech and it can happen that the reply obtained seems to deviate from the question formulated?. - What is meant by the “medianic embrace”? - How is foreknowledge of future events to be explained? - How do the medianic transmissions come about and where do they come from? - How can medianic manifestations of negatory entities or arbitrary communications come about? - Can the power of the occult act for good as well as for evil on our thoughts? 244 - How can the individual distinguish the type of inspiration? - Are there entities that take the place of others, presenting themselves in a false guise? How can they be distinguished? - Are physical phenomena due to low entities? - How can deception be avoided? - Does each entity that manifests itself express itself in accordance with its degree of evolution? - What is the function of the perispirit? - Does the perispirit always remain? - That perispirit which appeared in its guise of ballerina and gave its companion the feeling that it was truly alive - Also devoid of speech? - The effort undergone by the entities which participate in our embraces favours their ascent; may it not be the same for the barontes and anontes? - Does free-will cease when evolution is complete? - What difference is there between the ultraphanous soul of men and of women? - Is it permitted to invoke those who have passed over or is it harmful? - How can one learn to evaluate the utterances of different medianic origins? CONSCIENCE, SUBCONSCIOUS, HYPNOSIS AND TRANCE MEDIUMSHIP AND THE SUBCONSCIOUS THE SUCCOUR OF MEDIUMSHIP CONCEPT OF SPIRITISM AND SPIRITUALISM CHAPTER TWO THE REVELATION - RELIGIONS - THE ORIGIN SUMMARY I REVELATION THE BIBLE AND RELIGIONS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What relationship exists between religion and Law? - Why is it that the Bible, in its original text, recounts and admits occurrences that are against morality? - What can we learn from the Taiho, the Manva Darmasastra, the Avesta? - And what about Buddhism? - Is it wrong to take an interest in such teachings? - What can the church of the Seventh Day Adventists teach us? - And the agnostic school of thought? - Were the principles of the agnostic doctrine dictated from the other world? - What religion is in the truth? - In the primitive religions, there was a belief in the plurality of souls with their location in the various centres of the organism. What was the origin of this doctrine? - Will it be possible in future to achieve a single religion? - Why does your teaching fail to consider other philosophical teachings that frequently come from the world beyond? - What do you mean by “open doors”? - How should one interpret “freedom of speech” in the environment? THE MYSTERY AND MANKIND QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How can we discover the difference between philosophical concepts and the divine truth? MYSTIC CHURCH AND ESTABLISHED CHURCH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - The Anglo-Saxons peoples believe in survival after death but not in reincarnation, while the Latin peoples accept reincarnation. Why this difference? - Why do the entities that speak to the Anglo-Saxons peoples not teach reincarnation as they do to us? - “His Kingdom is about to enter into Power”: will the present generation witness the movement? - How should the “clear and evident signs” be interpreted? SUMMARY II ETERNAL LIGHTS DOES GOD EXIST? THE ORIGIN THE CENTRE OF THE INFINITE MOVEMENT DISSERTATIONS ON THE ORIGIN REBELLION IN THE HEAVENS AND FALL INTO CONDENSATION MONAD AND EPOCHS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Should the descent “from heaven to heaven, from plane to plane” be understood as a progressive condensation limited to the solar system or to a subsequent expiation of sin? - How does the link of the Monad with the atom of matter take place? How is the liberation of the Spirit from matter effected? - Which term is correct: Nouris or Monad? - Why is the Second Adam identified after the First Adam? - Will the Third Adam still have a conscience similar to that of the Second? - How long did the time of the First Adam last? - Therefore the six days of the creation are six epochs? - Can it be deduced that the start of the First Adam occurred after the seven epochs? - Would you further clarify the concept expounded of the seven days of the creation? - What is then the significance of the command “fiat lux” (“Let there be light”)? SUMMARY III THE CREATION THE FIRST MOVEMENT OF THE FORMATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT THE PROGRESSIVE CONDENSATION LOCOLOB, BELCOM, OLEHOM GENESIS THE CONDENSATION OF MANKIND QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How was man able to evolve in such a primitive environment, one that could be called uncivilized? - What was man’s appearance like? Was his form related to his origin or was it in affinity with his sin? - When did the scission of the Spirit and the formation of the soul binomial or twin soul occur? What were the periods of the progressive condensation and by means of what relationship did the races of mankind manifest themselves? The ice-ages: how many of them were there and what was their purpose? - Will you give us further enlightenment as to the scission of the Monad? THE FIRST MOVEMENTS OF THE FALLEN IN THE FINITE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What principle underlies the colouring and distribution of the human races? - If the races are part of a movement of evolution of the Spirit, do they also have a degree of different comparative evolution from our point of view? - Can the white race be considered as the most highly evolved? - How are the Eskimos to be regarded in social and evolutionary terms? ENOCH AND NOAH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - You said: “The fall was instantaneous yet progressive. You reached the environment that had been shaped, the physical heaven: Enoch set the first seal; the first formation bears his imprint”. Would you clarify this? - Is Noah’s ark legend or fact? - Did the animic masses that passed on during the flood undergo metamorphoses similar to the definitive one? - What is the significance of the seemingly random distribution of the main wordly forms of wealth, platinum, diamonds, radium, gold? - Did the first individuals feel the need for music before having any available instruments? - How can it be explained that, if we consider music as the sublime expression of the soul, we note the opposite, that the arhythmical music of the black races is not comparable to the melodic expression of the white race? - You said: “Let’s not get involved with Darwin; man has his Spark, all the rest is subjection”. By what means is the animal world sometimes an example to man? By instinctive love? By intelligence always subordinated to instinct? - Darwin was therefore mistaken? - How should the group-soul be conceived? - The soul, you said, is the initial driving force alimentating the cardiacal motions. Will you clarify for us what forces alimentate the animals which are devoid of a soul? - Why were the poisonous animals created? - What teaching do the reptiles give us? - Is human life the only conscious life? That is to say, is all other life vegetative life? - Did Cain and Abel exist? - Was the apple meant as an emblem for Adam and Eve? - Adam and Eve: have these two names a particular significance? - Is “increase and multiply” then reward or condemnation? CHAPTER THREE The Uncreated - The Creation - The Law SUMMARY I MACROCOSM AND MICROCOSM THE UNCREATED THE THREE HUMAN RADIATIONS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What influence have excesses in dealing with the tasks of tomorrow? - What difference is there between Spirit energy and matter energy? - Will you once more clarify for us the reason for the creation? SUMMARY II MATTER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Does matter energy humanly understood, that is to say “form”, have a validity only in our solar system or beyond it? - How can one conceive the Spirit/matter partnership? - Does Satan exist? - What coefficient alters the initial shaping? SUMMARY III LAW THE ETERNITY OF HUMAN LIFE SPIRIT AND MATTER: FROM DUALISM TO HARMONY VITAL AND SUBSTANTIAL REALITY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How can there be harmony between matter and the divine Spark? - How does the elimination of the dross take place in order to attain a harmony between the two terms now being discussed? - How can catalepsis be explained? - How can temptations be overcome? - What teaching must we draw from the episode of the rose thicket of Francis of Assisi?... 323 SUMMARY IV SELF-WILL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How is it possible to tell when self-will is truly self-will? - How should one regard the ineluctable? - Would you further clarify the question of free will? - We have an idea of free will as freedom granted by the Everlasting - Does free will exist amongst the Enteles? - Would you speak to us of freedom of conscience? - From the fall to the manifestation of Christ to today has the movement of man’s evolution been foreseen even in human acts of self-will? FREEDOM SUMMARY V COSMIC DUST - THE ENVIRONMENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - When there was only one sex, did human reproduction follow in any way reproduction by parthenogenesis? - Was the thought birth long in duration? - Would you clarify for us the movement of formation of the being and the psychic movements accompanying gestation? - How does the triune imprint manifest itself in the descended being? - “What is to be understood by atavism? Why the distortions and deformities appear? - Does incarnation occur simultaneously with the gestation? What is the cause of hermaphroditism? - Why are sex changes frequent in recent times? - Does there exist a law of compensation between the physical being and the spiritual? - Children generally bear the physical imprint of at least one of their parents. Why does this hereditary imprint not occur also for the intelligence and tendencies? Why are brute-like individuals sometimes born of morally sound stock? - Yet matter, in constituting its vehicle, alters the expression of the psyche - The First Law says: “The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children until the seventh generation” - What is the significance of anatomical illnesses, of the birthmarks? THE STAR OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Do favourable and unfavourable stars exist? - Is it possible to know the star presiding over an individual? - Is one’s own star always visible, even when it is far away? - Does the fact of having identified one’s own star mean that the characteristics of that star are imprinted in the individual? - Is the name of the Law important? - Is that name retained through all the reincarnations? - How can the parent be enlightened in giving a name to a child? ABORTION QUESTIONS AND ANSWER - If only one spermatozoon fertilizes a single egg, and twins originate from two fertilizations of two separate egg-cells, how are Siamese twins born? - The excessively high birth-rate, the mistaken upbringing of children, and egoism all foster the concept of abortion. What concepts can we oppose to these? - Contraceptives do not cause abortion. Why condemn them? - How are we to act in the case of a miscarriage? - What happens when a mother, out of shame, out of fear of human judgment, suppresses the being during the process of gestation? - To our way of thinking, the responsibility of a soul that suppresses should be only relative, because the social laws are sometimes cruel - How can one explain the foetal wails that occur at times before the expulsion, if the animic attachment occurs only at that instant? - The Church asserted that it was a sin to escape from birth pangs by using anaesthesis or other means, because this conflicted with the saying: “You, woman, shall give birth in great sorrow” - Is chastity regarded with favour by God? - Is the bond imposed by earthly law necessary or is love enough? - You have told us that the embrace represents love in vibration. Now, if one did not try by various artificial means to avoid the reproduction of the species, this would lead to a disproportionate overreproduction. How can such a possibility be justified? - Buddha said: “When you were born everyone smiled and only you wept; when you die, everyone present will weep: take care that you have reason to smile”. How is this saying to be understood? - When the soul is incarnated, either by Law or by its own will, why does it commit a series of errors? - What is the significance of the reincarnations that sometimes only last a few seconds? - Why are short gestations normally of seven months? - Why does the Law prohibit the germinative principle, namely the memory of the promise, to the soul that is reincarnated? - And what about oblivion? - In the descent, does oblivion occur at the very moment of reincarnation or after birth? - So the babe understands everything, while we believe that it does not yet understand. Until what age does the incarnate soul recollect the pact stipulated for the descent? - Until what age are children able to see other souls? - Commonly reference is made to the “lack of conscience” of children but if the soul has no such “lack of conscience” how does this happen? - When the soul has to descend into time, does it know the new vital cycle it will have to perform? - Is genius the manifestation of the soul’s creative faculty? - How should a child of genius be regarded? - What about atheism? - Why is there an increase in the number of births in some countries and a decrease in others? - Should the demographic problem involve a sense of responsibility? - Is the responsibility greater when the purpose is selfish? - Then it is no sin to practise abstinence? - Is there not always a physiological law that impels towards intercourse? - Is the increase of population in time good? Has this increase a substantial significance? - In what conditions does human affection remain harmonious? - In childhood every individuality is in knowledge and then loses it as it becomes enclosed in the dense human form. How should the teaching be conducted in order to split open the screen that encloses the young individuals? - In the child’s education, is it advisable to train first the Spirit and then the body? - In the so-called “reformatories” to which erring youths are sent, among whom there are some deviants emanating negative energies, how can the work of redemption be effected on those who could be open to its influence, when they are forced to absorb the negative energies of the environment? - How does it happen that today childhood is so corrupt as to stain itself with the most appalling crimes? Is it perhaps that the pureness of the child has become a myth? THE FAMILY THE CHILD - THE UPBRINGING OF CHILDREN TO ALL MOTHERS THE INSTINCT OF PRESERVATION, SUICIDE, EUTHANASIA. MAN AND WOMAN IN SOCIETY CHAPTER FOUR PASSING ON – THE BIOTHESES SUMMARY I PREPARING FOR TOMORROW PASSING ON THE SOULS AT THE MOMENT OF PASSING ON Questions and answers - What ought the state of mind of a man be when he is about to pass on? - Is it possible to determine the moment when an individual will pass on? - Is it possible to learn the Everlasting’s summons through the study of the hand? 362 - After passing on, does one come to know the fourth dimension? - In what conditions does passing on occur? - If the soul clothes the body, when it detaches itself from the body shouldn’t it have the same shape as it? - Of what are those sparks you constantly speak of made up? - Where do the souls dwell that are still close to the earth? - When the soul reaches the higher spheres of Wisdom and Knowledge, how does it feel? 363 - What is the composition of the physical human body? - Will you clarify for us the significance of Perispirit, Spirit, Soul, Monad? - What difference is there between Monad and conscience? - Must the soul be understood as Monad? - Spirit and soul: are they to be understood as two different things or as a single thing? - What can you tell us about the Socratic conception of the soul? - And what about the Platonic conception of the soul? - Was the thought of Croce, opposed by the Church, in the truth? THE SINFUL THOUGHT – GRADUALITY OF SINS SUBJECTIVE VALUE OF SIN Questions and answers - What is the significance of the saying: “He that blasphemes against the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven in eternity. All other sins will be forgiven and you will be redeemed again”? - How is one to understand the fact of not achieving forgiveness throughout eternity? - Can this “constricted vital movement” be considered analogous to Lethargy? - Could we conceive of this constriction? - In which environment is the soul able to liberate itself, at the moment of detachment, from the energies that trouble and disturb it to which you referred? - For the soul that descends is there the same environment as before? - Does an animic age exist? - You have said that the lower entities find evolution in the abyssal planes situated between the earth and the moon. You have spoken of the movement of passing on from time and the sojourn of the wrathful. How is it that these disembodied entities live in the finite as if there were a compenetration of environments? - A surgeon stated that, while dissecting a body, he saw the soul leaving the body. Is this possible? - At the moment of passing on does the soul hover over matter? - What can these soul cause? - Do the good souls and imps bring imbalances? - In visiting cemeteries, does one force souls to descend at that moment? - And what about the imps? - Why does one often feel an inexplicable reluctance to visit cemeteries? - Have the prayers that are uttered in community with others for the dead any value? - Does the light of candles, during the wakes for the dead, have any use? - Is it possible for one that has passed on to be altered in features some hours after the act of passing on? - What value has the voice of the conscience? - Can sincere repentance cancel out sin? - Every soul returns to earth to redeem himself. How does it happen that in past cycles there was less corruption than now? - The East is more in the light than the West. Why then are there cases of collective barbarity in the East? - How is it that a substantial quantity repeatedly follows the movement of ascent and descent? How is it that we are only just reaching the reawakening of mankind? How is it that human life is prolonging its duration and moving towards the achievement of those coefficients that existed previously and then diminished? - If there is no progress, do the reincarnations increase? - Why does the Church say that the innocent pays for the guilty? - How should the Saints be considered from the spiritual point of view? - Do Limbo, Hell, Purgatory and Heaven exist and what significance should be ascribed to them? - Does the Nirvanah of Buddhist conception exist? Summary II THE REINCARNATIONS AND BIOTHESES EVOLUTION AND THE EVOLUTIVE BIOTHESES IN THE FINITE AND INFINITE. SYNTHESIS OF EVOLUTION EVOLUTION ACHIEVED UNDERSTANDING AND WISDOM Questions and answers - Will you clarify for us the concept of mathematical infinite and absolute infinite? - Will you clarify the concept of Infinite and infinites? - Are the contacts of the Monad with the finite different depending on whether the Monad is in Evolution or Ascent? KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING FINAL TEACHING Summary III CERTAIN MANIFESTATIONS OF ENTITIES IN THE VARIOUS BIOTHESES BARONTIC MESSAGES ANONTIC MESSAGES ENTELIC MESSAGES FRANCISCAN SYNTHESIS Summary IV MOTES – SPIRALS – CIRCLES – TRIANGLES – STRAIGHT LINES – VORTICES CHAPTER FIVE HOW LIFE SHOULD BE LIVED Summary I PREMONITIONS AND PRECOGNITIONS THE MYSTERY SUBSTANCE-ESSENCE PROGRESSIVENESS OF LABOUR EVOLUTION Summary II LIFE THE REASON FOR LIFE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT KARMA TIME Questions and answers - It is said that an act is no more than a movement or a series of successive movements. From this it comes that if the speed of the sequence increases, the life of the event is shortened, so that if the speed could become extremely elevated, the time could even be reduced to zero and in this way annul the evaluation of distance. Is this the reason why you state that the conception of time does not exist for you? - Resistance-velocity-time are factors which no longer apply, so eliminating mass. Is it perhaps the perispirit in its density that gives rise to the three dimensions?. - Since the five evolutionary biotheses are within the solar orbit, can this existence of matter, of perispirit (1), be considered as existing solely within the orbit? - Evolution and metamorphosis are terms often encountered in Your discourse and they seem to call for an explanation: could you give us one? SORROW THE JOY OF SORROW, THE SORROW OF JOY Questions and answers - Does true joy exist, and what should it be? - What difference is there between physical suffering and sorrow of the soul? - Is suffering, understood in physical terms, a gift in that it leads the individual to conceive the distress that his fellows feel? - Is the suffering that surrounds us a summons for our fellows? - Are there brothers on the earth who know how to rejoice in their sorrows? - Does the law of sorrow existing in the finite exist also in the Infinite?. - Labour is sowing, labour is prayer; is labour also expiation? - If sorrow refines the soul, why is sorrowing humanity always increasingly perverse? - Is physical suffering always a means of evolution? - Is every physical labour performed by humans taken into the reckoning? - Must labour be borne with serenity? - Is karma proportioned to evolutive capacity? - Can crime have a karmic origin? - What is the relation between sorrow and spiritual evolution? - Do the entities bring succour to the environments of sorrow? - When the soul has entered into a state of apathy, it no longer feels sorrow. Why? - Does sorrow exist beyond the limit? - How can one live the life of the Infinite in the finite? THE LAW OF HARMONY RHYTHM IN THE INFINITE AND THE FINITE RHYTHM IN THE INFINITE EDDIES IN THE FINITE Summary III THE WORLD OF IDEAS ORIGIN AND ACTUATION OF THE IDEA THOUGHT Questions and answers - Is there a substantive difference between meditation and analysis? - If thought gives the idea, the idea gives action, and if thinking means living, it ought to be possible to deduce that life is action - Is it an error to believe that the external world does not determine the activity of thought, since, thought being the higher function, it is independent of the external world? Is it through the action elaborated and actuated that thought is materialized and comes to a function of a lower order? - You have taught us that thought leaves traces, so that thought is also an emission of ineffaceable radiations, i.e. radiations that remain as the soul remains. It would then seem logical that every soul should bear about with it its own charge of thoughts as a soul function and hence immortal. - Does our thought form part of the Universal Mind and has it hence always existed, or is it the fruit of our evolution and hence strictly personal? In other words, how does thought originate? Is it a part of our personality or is it subject to external radiations? - How does the thought action take place in the invisible? In what does that infinite tissue consist in which remain incised all our thoughts? - Is the will the dominant mean for shaping thought? - Will you clarify for us the concept of instantaneousness of thought? - Why, when one is immersed in a thought of love, may there suddenly enter an extraneous or wicked thought that distracts or disturbs us? - Is inharmonious thought by itself already a sin? - Thought incises deeper than action; but must thought not pass first through the appraisal of reason and conscience? - But isn’t thought independent of our will if it is instantaneous? - Can thought be originated by us, or has it another origin? - Does a discipline of thought exist? - Do the constellations exert an action on the thoughts of individuals? - Cannot thought, which is so swift, contribute a certain reflectiveness to those who are slow of thought? - Does unconscious thought exist? - Do the illnesses that lead to the loss of intelligence have a special significance? - Madness: this is thought to be the case of a soul that has descended for self-improvement. What can one do, if it does not understand the punishment? What teaching are men to draw from this psychic state? (1) - What value has an assiduous thought, a meditation, that has its root in the conscience? - Is it true that the thoughts and the forms/thought emitted by the living return as if materialized into our environment? - What does work of thought signify? SUBTILIZE THOUGHT Summary IV THE CREATION BY THOUGHT AND THE REALIZATION OF THE CREATION WORKING SILENCE HUMAN THOUGHT MUST HARMONIZE WITH PRIMAL THOUGHT Questions and answers - Can the thought forms be received by other beings? - How does the transmission of thought occur? - Why is it that there is no fusion of similar thoughts? - What does perfection depend on? - Amongst us, thought needs action, instruments by means of which it is translated into reality. You say that your power is shaping power: does your accomplishment reside in this power? - How does the shaping of these energies take place? - Is soul thought that which attracts or removes energy vibrations so as to create the evolutionary environment defined as biothesis? - What is the relation between thought and creation? - Why did you say: “The Spirit is closely bound up with thought”? Are they not, rather, an identity, thought being the born of the will? - You spoke of thought and of conscience, but isn’t conscience the divine imprint of the Monad? - But then is thought a divine capacity of the Spirit, like conscience? - If the conscience is always divine, is it in such a case a physical reflection? - Is speech what distinguishes the power of thought? - If the will was the movement preceding the creative thought, why the creation? - Is there a point of confluence between the Triune Godhead and the human trinity made up of thought, reason, conscience? - What difference is there between human morality and divine morality? - How does the mnemonic movement of memory take place? THE THREE TRINITIES: DIVINE, CHRISTIC, HUMAN Summary V INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES IN TIME THE ADVENTURE OF LIFE Questions and answers - Human individuality: how should one act to modify it? - What are the spiral-shaped motions? - Is the movement caused by the contraction of the spiral? - Evolution in the sense of sin and metamorphosis? - How can one resist the violent and destructive actions that are at present occurring in society? - How can we remedy the misgovernment of society and of ourselves? Summary VI BROTHERHOOD LIFE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TIME AND SPACE BETWEEN FINITE AND INFINITE EVIL GOOD AND EVIL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. - How could Evil, in the Infinite, affect the Angels with the guilt of pride? - If clad in matter we are unable to resist Evil, must not the temptation endured by the animic part have been greater? - If the Almighty is all, how can a Monad come to set himself up against this “All”? - Will you clarify once more the comparison between the concept of pride and that of humility? Between violence and vehemence? Summary VII LIFE AND EVOLUTION DESCENDING TO ASCEND EVOLUTION IN RELATION TO THE VOLUME OF THE ENVIRONMENT LIVING AND KNOWING HOW TO LIVE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How should the struggle for existence be understood? - Are we sinful when we harm others as we go about our business but do not act out of the will to do harm? - Would you give us further clarifications concerning life in time? LIFE IN TIME IS A GIFT OF THE LAW ERRARE HUMANUM EST – REMORSE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How should the past be regarded? - Egoism, the wish to improve our material living conditions or those of our fellows, leads through economic laws to interests that might conflict with the teachings of humility and disinterestedness from all earthly things. And if almost all of humanity follow the latter principles, how should the followers of your teachings that seek to reach perfection act? - In general the creators of great fortunes or of great projects have begun their journey by grasping at earthly things (wealth, power, etc.). This work of theirs normally leads them far from “embraces”, from knowledge and even further from meditation. The sowers of the word have never built for themselves and for others and created great fortunes. Don’t humans tend to consider the former more useful to mankind than the latter? - How can these teachings be transferred into our social conception? - How can the unhappy those for whom everything is labour, hardship, difficulties and sorrow, convince themselves that their state corresponds to a higher concept of justice? They see others are well off, with a comfortable life, with no suffering and are led to believe that their own state is unjust? - To bring your teachings with our human means, what method can we adopt? - The seed is that which You give us or any action, any thought that is harmony with the Law? - How should we act to attain to the work? - Is the introspective examination the basis of all progress? - Why must one perform an introspective examination before sowing? THE INDIVIDUAL WORK WORKING AND COLLABORATING. INSISTING AND PERSISTING BEING, NOT APPEARING APPEARANCE AND REALITY HURRYING AND HELPING SUCCOURING AND SUCCOUR THE REALITY – THE TRUTH – THE FAITH DIFFERENT KINDS OF FAITH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - How can faith be strengthened? - And he that acts like Thomas? - Is the faith in every individual related to the evolution of his soul? - What is the value of the word “faith”, when it is used in the place of dogma and presumes to do without reason, the immense gift of God? Doesn’t life perhaps teach that its essence must be a continuous quest, a never-achieved stability of thought, a duty of conquest? Man often replaces dogma by dogma. If we were to sum up the word “faith”, should we not perhaps eliminate all the uncertainties overlaid on it by the different beliefs of men, and leave just the idea of God, Principle, Perfection, Harmony, that we possess irrationally? SELF, EVOLUTION, FAITH CONCEPT AND IDEA OF FAITH FAITH DEFINITIVE TEACHING LABOUR AND THE WORK THE TWOFOLD LABOUR THE START OF LIFE. THE ENERGY OF THE IMPULSE INERTIA – THE HALT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What relation is there between the called and the mission? - Does the teaching that You have given us ultimately direct us towards an ascetic life and one of renunciation?. - What precisely is meant by halting? - How is it possible to expiate to obtain forgiveness for the sins committed of which one was not aware, when one lived in ignorance of the Everlasting and of His laws? - Will you clarify for us the concept of dematerialization to which you repeatedly summon us? Summary VIII EVOLUTION AND PROGRESS SOCIAL PROGRESS AND SUBSTANTIAL EVOLUTION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - What point of evolution has so far been reached by mankind? - For us progress and civilization are synonymous with the evolution of peoples. Why is it not so for You? - All this as civilization, as animic evolution; what is the current state of evolution, the present point of the evolution of the masses? - Why is mankind regressing? - How can one conceive the brotherhood of peoples if each people has a mentality and karma of its own? - What relationship exists between mental decadence and environmental decadence? PRIDE, LUST AND RICHES HYPOCRISY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - Would you dwell again on the comparison between hypocrisy and treachery?. - May it not happen that comprehension and forbearingness can hide forms of hypocrisy? - So is hypocrisy towards oneself also to be considered grave? DROPS OF WISDOM BIND YOURSELVES BY LOVE MULTIPLY BY POWER. ERRORS OF EVALUATION Summary IX NOSCE TE IPSUM (Know yourself) SCIENCE AND SOCIETY SPIRIT – MATTER – WORK CONCEPT OF PEACE HUMAN PEACE AND SUBSTANTIVE PEACE CAPITAL AND LABOUR EMERGE, NOT SUBMERGE GIVING SITIO! (I THIRST!): LOVE. DEHUMANIZE YOURSELVES – SPIRITUALIZE YOURSELVES LOSING AND DISPERSING DARE, DON’T PLOT FAREWELL OF THE ENTELE