WORDS TO THE FAITHFUL Off-print - from Sparks from the Infinite - "Il Cenacolo" Publications · Milan Italy
A basic truth should first be established. Whatever happens in the finite and the Infinite is never the result of chance but is deeply, intimately, intrinsically connected with a previous happening. Your own spirit of enquiry that leads you to seek to know and to understand is not an end in itself but is closely, deeply and intimately bound up with the single evolutionary motion, and it is right that you should bear this fact in mind, even though each of you retains the conviction that you are attempting to approach the truth only for the sake of instructing yourselves, to be able to increase your knowledge, to be able to analyse more deeply. Let us briefly consider the environment which we have to deal with -the sphere of origin- and let us firstly dwell upon the relation existing between the Supreme Creator and this environment. God, the Uncreated, created the Infinite. This is the first of the many axioms that I shall enunciate and illustrate subsequently. God, Creator of the Infinite, encompasses the Infinite, goes beyond the Infinite, surpasses the Infinite. A paradox? No, but the quintessential reality which, though it is a mathematical reality, cannot be demonstrated to mankind because of the deficiency of their vocabulary in appropriate terms to express such a datum. The first axiom, therefore is: “The One who was, is and shall be, the One who created the Infinite encompasses the Infinite”. The next axiom, however bewildering it may appear, is a mathematical principle: “Every point of the Infinite is the centre of the Infinite.” These two fundamental concepts should rightly be presented first for your study, since they have the carefully considered purpose of arousing in you that sense of awe which is produced by overwhelming greatness. Over and against this infinity, this concept of the overwhelmingly immense, is then set the concept of the extremely small. One hundred years ago, your human science proclaimed that the smallest quantity of matter had been discovered: the atom. Now, however, the mistakenness of that claim appears with the utmost clarity and, I may add, quite disappointing for your science. Having given this glimpse - no more than a fleeting one - of the environment and the divine Creator of the environment, let us pass to an analysis of the relations that exist between the human being and the Law, God. To you He is God, for that is what He has been called by all mankind, but He is the Law, the Uncreated, and represents the Trinity: “Power, Love, Wisdom.” Wisdom necessarily comprises Justice, which human beings are incapable of administering and of dealing to others. What are the relations that join man to the Infinite and those between man and the Law, God? Unceasing bonds, created solely by the Mercy of the Everlasting. Man, who was projected as a Monad into the infinite (Spirit, soul: the meaning of Monad), man who was created, desired by the Everlasting, rebelled at a certain point against the Primal Law, the Law of Love. On examining the divine powers granted them by the Father, that group of what must be defined - grievously for mankind - as rebels believed that they could create, that they could rule themselves potentially and became a separate body: the proud. This was the first sin. God, the Lord of Justice, but above all the Lord of Love, passed judgement: “You shall be punished but not destroyed and you shall return to me.” And in that very moment He created the environment that is your sphere, your system. He did not create it as today you admire and study it. He created it instantaneously, conceiving and realizing it firstly in potency and in energy, then in gaseous form and subsequently in semifluid, fluid and semisolid form, finally achieving the present state with which you are familiar. This succession of transformations led the rebel horde to “descend lower from heaven to heaven, from plane to plane” , until the new prison was reached. To sustain and continually emit life to the rebels, God granted each one of them a special characteristics: each one, apart from his sex, possessed a tiny gland - which you call the pineal body - situated in the occipital region, modestly concealed by the brain: this was to serve (and still serves) a twin function, analogous to that of two of your thermionic valves. It receives vibrations from the infinite Heavens and transforms those vibrations transmitting them to the cerebrum. The Spirit-matter dialogue, which ought to be continuous and ascensional, comes about, while the spirit is incapsuled by matter, through this small gland. The greater the plasticity of this organ, the more it is soft and tender, the greater is its receptive capacity, even to the point where it may receive not only for itself, not only those energies which We emit to every individual in time, but even receive and retransmit, as is now happening (1) , Our thought to the benefit of your evolution, not the evolution of a single individual but of all humanity. At the moment of the Fall, at the moment when the first act of the sentence was executed, in the form of the EXPULSION FROM FREEDOM, (this term, which I shall shortly dwell upon, is a burning topic for you), at the moment when the Monad passed from freedom to the realm of free-will, namely within the confines of your planetary system, the God of Mercy, desiring to speed the movement of redemption after the grave sin committed, divided each Monad, each Spirit, each soul into two equal halves. In this way the two components of a binomial were created, the twin soul-mates, each destined to follow its own evolutionary path, independently of the other half of which it was intrinsically part. From this division arises, among other consequences, the duty that rests on each human creature to accelerate as far as possible their own movement of redemption and purification so that, if the other partner has shown greater zeal and has already arisen, he will not have long to wait for the soul-mate to come and recompose their former unity. I said: freedom as against free-will. Let us analyse the concept. What is free-will? What is freedom? Here above there exists freedom, insomuch as limits and hindrances are unknown and the sin of rebellion is nameless, without signification, because it means transgression against the selfless Law of Love. Once freedom ceases, then one falls into the realm of free-will, where freedom is limited by an aeriform substance, an aeriform quantity (the atmosphere), and expresses itself in self-will (2) among men, an occurrence of every day and very often many a time every day. The rebellion on the upper planes was absolute in its relation to the Creator/created bond. The effect of free-will was to reduce the Creator/created relationship to an indirect relation. You must therefore learn to live a double life, the life of matter and the life of the Spirit, and it is to the Spirit, to the soul, that you must answer for your actions. Let us examine this concept more closely. God One and Three-in-One - Father, Son, Holy Spirit - the Trinity in one or triune Unity, all titles equally valid. The Monad, soul, projection of divine energies, part of the divine energies, was necessarily influenced by the Trinity of its origin, so that when it was projected into time, condensed into an individual being, it was also assigned a trinity of its own, corresponding conceptually to the divine Trinity: thought, reason, conscience. Thought represents Power, reason corresponds to the quantum Son/Love, conscience is related to Wisdom, to Justice. Every individual therefore bears the seal set upon him by the Everlasting: thought, reason, conscience. When a thought is formulated, it lies in free will, that is to say in wisdom (inasmuch as, knowing Good and Evil, one possesses absolute wisdom) and it is the task of man to choose one path or another. You are capable of thought but once you have formulated, shaped and developed that thought you have to submit it to the examination of reason, and this involves establishing whether the concept, the thought, is compatible with your spiritual and social state. After exercising your reason, which has to give or withhold its approval (reason also maintains a capacity of its own for free will), the complete, formulated and developed thought comes before its supreme judge: conscience. Conscience is a reflected vibration of the soul. It is illuminated by the soul, and the greater the upward progress made in redemption by the individual until that moment, so much the greater will be the rigour, the severity, and the firmness of the soul in its judgement. Even in states of barrenness, namely of scant evolutionary progress, conscience causes anguish and remorse if it is not heeded: an act of self-will may be committed but while the soul may not have the power to prevent it, it has the power to hold it continually before the memory. So consider man in his trinity, man who is the mirror of his own self. The soul radiates, reflects its own qualities onto matter, but it must succeed in dominating matter, in obedience to the divine judgement passed at the moment of the fall: “You will regain the divine faculties through effort, pain and suffering.” The suffering must be twofold and simultaneous, for though the two types of suffering - material and spiritual, do not converge they manifest themselves together, yet in different forms from each other. Material suffering must tend towards repression of the instincts, of the appetites, of the passions, whereas the suffering of the soul must lead your thoughts back to the life of freedom formerly enjoyed, and so act upon matter as to curb its negative impulses. In this way the two quantities merge, sum and unite their separate evolutionary developments: matter becomes lightened, thought is elevated and the conscience becomes more sensitive, steadily growing more exacting. I have mentioned evolution: it is appropriate that in speaking of mediumism I should also deal with evolution. Firstly there is an axiom: “Whoever at the present time finds himself on your planet and therefore finds himself enclosed by an atmospheric layer, is undoubtedly still in a state of transgression.” There are - to make myself understood I shall call them stations or environments - there are, as I say, seven stop-over environments on the evolutionary path. The starting point is the environment of “Lethargy”, then the soul passes onwards to the environment of “Remorse”, then, when the time is ripe, to the environment of “Reawakening”. Their names themselves sufficiently explain the significance of these resting places, these environments that you call “biotheses”. At the “Reawakening”, the soul that had been in the darkness of absolute night (the night of the soul) in the two previous biotheses, while in the biothesis of Lethargy it had remained unmoved, motionless (it is a movement entirely opposite to that of life which is distinguished by motion), in the biothesis of Reawakening, I repeat, the soul begins once more to perceive the first glimmerings of the divine Light, the Light of the Father once again illuminates that soul: it is the beginning of resurrection. You move on and into another biothesis, in another environment “Evolution”, where progress becomes rapid in that one returns into contact with the divine movement, with the acts of the Father. After the biothesis of Evolution there is the “Ascent”, and until this biothesis the souls are incarnated and disincarnated in consecutive phases that are not by any means unvarying but instead unique for each soul. NO TWO SINS ARE THE SAME, SO NO TWO PATHS OF EXPIATION ARE THE SAME. When the Ascent is reached, all the semiterms of the Monads that have attained this state of evolution now pause and await the arrival of their partners, or else meet them immediately on arrival and merge straight away, passing into the sixth biothesis, of “Knowledge”. From here they never descend again except when charged with a mission or by their own request, by their own prayer. After the biothesis of Knowledge, the sixth biothesis, one passes into that of “Wisdom”, the biothesis of total purification, and returns to the feet of the Father, in the service of the Father, in the service of the whole, in complete selflessness and far removed from any impulse to fall back into that error for which humanity has been atoning for thousands and thousands of centuries. This, briefly told, is the human movement of evolution. Let us return to the concept of mediumism: mediumism does not radically influence the evolutionary motion but represents one contributory agent recognised by the mercy of the Father for carrying on the work of sowing the seed which is nearly always - nearly always - the medium’s task. The Father’s mercy is then revealed in another phenomenon: reincarnation. The very fact of having to watch and tend the process of evolution of matter in the foetus imposes such an effort on the soul as to merit a recompense. In the same environment, the same biothesis, there are an infinite number of evolutionary states, so that the reward given varies in proportion to the suffering endured by the Monad while watching over the gestation: it increases, and theoretically, theoretically, it is possible that there could be a case of evolution achieved solely through the merciful bounty of the Father. In actual fact, this does not occur since the soul contains the principle of gratitude (which among you humans does not exist), the desire, namely, to requite the mercy received by intensifying its progress, shedding more rapidly the dead husks of its selfhood, Satanic residues. At each reincarnation we should theoretically see as the result of the degree of evolution attained, that advance obtained through the individual’s efforts increased by that bestowed by divine Mercy. Free-will, however, remains, so that the Monads that have descended and been projected into the finite to atone for their fault aspire, as souls, to rise but they are weak and insufficiently forearmed against the pull of matter, which dominates the Spirit and lives through free-will, through pride. Every transgression in time stems basically from lucre and the flesh: the flesh here meaning material attractions, stimuli of the most varied desires: the lust for power, for wealth, and so forth. In consequence, a Monad that has already known Remorse may feel it again in its subsequent evolutionary progress. It will not feel it with the same painful intensity as in its previous punishment, the environmental level will be different, but it will
fall back into Lethargy, into Remorse and be compelled to repass through these stages. This upward and downward movement is not regression, since it is also linked up with karma (you call it destiny). It is a plan of rehabilitation established by the Law and intensified, increased by the sinner’s own desire to make haste and expiate as rapidly as possible both past and present failings. Schematically and in outline, superficially, we have here described the evolutionary movement of humanity. It is necessary, however, to justify the continuous projection of these Spirits operating in the infinite Heavens and of that part projected into the finite. God created the Infinite, then wished to endue the Infinite with vital impulse and thereupon the celestial whole was created, a wondrous creation which, according to your mathematical concepts, can easily be explained through the interplay of gravitational forces. You men see mathematics and physics as lying at the heart of creation and establishing a priori the rules, figures and symbols capable of validating your physico-mathematical law of universal gravitation. You are only forgetting one thing: that here above, where I pulsate, here is the realm of mathematics, indeed, but a different kind of mathematics which does not find expression in numbers, figures, symbols and proportions but solely in giving. I shall clarify the concept. Let us imagine there are hundred stellar worlds - naturally I am limiting the number to make it easier for you to grasp the concept. There are one hundred stellar worlds, each of which requires a given energy to live, ranging from one to a hundred: none of them, individually, has this energy. NOT ONE OF THEM POSSESSES THE ENERGY IT NEEDS. But from ninety, thirty, sixty of these worlds there radiates precisely that given energy which enables the first world to live, and in its turn to project its own energy in an enhanced form towards the other stellar worlds needing that specific energy which it produces. This is a graduated but continuous act of giving: not a mathematically numerical law but a mathematically loving one, which is a very different thing. The infinite movement throbbing, spinning and intersecting, is always the product of an act of giving, of selflessness, selflessness transmitted from the Everlasting with His own energy of movement, whilst your mathematics remains a theory, and though it has its axioms these remain limited to your environment. Everyone is familiar with the fact that an object partly immersed in a denser medium and partly projecting into a more rarefied one takes on a shape that, to the sight, appears bent, and impression created by the difference in density. You remain in the realm of relativity, since what you are seeking is something that you adapt to your environment, to its “electrizing” effect: I call it electrizing since in your system everything is represented by a trivial quantum of energy whereas here above the energies are immense, transformatory, overwhelming. An analogous process occurs in the case of the human body. You have invented the encephalograph, the cardiograph, and will in the years to come invent other measuring instruments but you can never know the numerical totality of the energies that compose the human body unless We ourselves divulge this information to you. You must know, however, that ever organ of the human body, every tendon, every muscle, every limb, has one or more energies of its own. These are not mere assertions but emphatic realities. To take one example. You base the velocity of light on a figure of about 300,000 kilometres per second. In actual fact, you have taken a few hundred metres off the figure: faced with a figure of these dimensions you remove this invisible, microscopic portion. This approximation is sufficiently exact in the restricted element, in time, but light reaches you not only from your small sun, but from all the stellar world that surrounds you on all sides and it is revealed to you - yes, actually revealed by the atmospheric stratum, without which the light would reach you only as energy. About half a century ago, We disclosed the truth that has been discovered just recently by the Americans. We said then, and you will find it enshrined in the texts, that the soul that detaches itself from matter and embarks on the voyage towards a new evolutionary phase, passes by the North Pole since it is attracted and absorbed potentially and electrically by a funnel-shaped mass of energies. The souls destined for reincarnation enter an energy funnel situated at the South Pole. These two funnels meet and form a single band. It has recently been discovered that the energy band enveloping your globe has a double aperture and scientific research is now being conducted into the cause, purpose and function of this. Let us now examine more closely the relationship existing between your modern science, the science of today, and your environment. The earth was transformed from an original electrifying mass, a mass of energies, into a gaseous mass, than into a fluid mass and finally a solid one. The solid mass represents a given number of minerals, plant life and animals, whilst I wish to exclude from this survey the human race. All this means that the primal energies have undergone a progressive transformation leading up to the formation of the single-celled creatures for animal life. So far we are all agreed: man has finally intuited the power of transforming whatever is available to him, whether mineral or vegetable, to produce energy, and vice-versa. There still remains a problem for you. Man - thought, reason, conscience - possesses a trinity, hence is eminently divine in derivation: he possesses the power of thought. Do animals have the power of thought? Yes, certainly, and one part of this task is the duty of the Purest Intelligences. An animal is born with an energy of “instinct”, an energy that I shall define as vegetal, namely a mind, a power of thought limited to the needs and habits of its life. This mass movement process is the task of the disincarnate beings, of Us; the animals live through an endowment of material and organic - not spiritual - vital energy and it is We who provide their limited power of thought. In consequence, the animal world also has its own freedom of will, its own deviations of race. No relation exists, however, between the energies of humanity, upheld and enlightened as they are by the trinity of “thought, reason, conscience”, and the brute instinct of an animal, a selfish instinct that does not preclude certain given perceptions such as the sense of danger, which arouses the instinct of the conservation of the species. Another point of analysis for you could take as its starting-point the following query: “If we were begotten, projected from the Eternal into the Infinite, and if we shared in the life of that Infinite once in the past and continue to share in it periodically through the various reincarnational cycles, why is it that we retain no memory of what we have ourselves experienced?” Herein lies evidence of the everlasting Wisdom. In the descent, the law of oblivion covers the whole movement of redemption previously accomplished as well as the even earlier period of freedom. Then, when you leave matter and continue your evolutionary cycle here above, the law of oblivion has a particular function, which is to permit the soul undergoing atonement to remember the evil committed by matter and Spirit against the soul’s fellow beings and the good it has received from them, but compels it to forget any good that it may have done its brethren. In the relationship between the infinite life and the evolving individual, the law of oblivion is absolute, whilst in the Spirit/evolution relationship, which is a more limited one, one only remembers the good that one has received and has to pay back plus the wrong one has done and has to redeem. The good one has done is consigned to oblivion, because doing, giving, bestowing is a duty of life which does not add to one’s deserving. The law of oblivion may be likened to a dense web, a web of energies naturally. Sometimes, even by the will of the Law, a tiny chink appears in this web and the soul immediately glimpses a place where it has been before in a previous evolutionary phase. The sensation of being in a place where we have been before is evidence of the reincarnational process. But, you will ask, isn’t there any more definite, more concrete evidence than these assertions? There is: the Only Begotten Son, Jesus. Jesus said to His disciples: “ If I so desired, I could destroy this temple and build it again in three days.” The temple, clearly, was represented by Jesus’s seemingly physical body. It was destroyed, rose again, returned to life after the three days spoken of and ascended into Heaven. This is an example that is full of significance, for it indicates that the purity of the soul must be restored to make the ascent possible. Previously, there had also been the explicit example of Lazarus. Jesus said to the Apostles, while far from Lazarus: “Let us go to waken Lazarus, who has fallen asleep.” Lazarus was dead, his body had begun to decompose. “Lazarus, awake and come forth.” You must not dwell upon the fact of the miracle itself but the miracle as being intended expressly to demonstrate the possibility of rising from the dead by means of a divine motion, a process of purification. The same is true of the widow’s son and the Jairus’s daughter: these are all substantial and instructive movements. The Prophets, you will recall, were instruments, karmically predestined mediums, endowed with the power of prophecy. They did not require contact with the Purest Intelligences but received the orders and instructions issued by the Father and concerning the preordained and predicted descent of the Only Begotten Son. Our purpose, now, is not the same as that of our predecessors. We do not intend to prophesy but simply to set before you the Truth, so that you can extract from it that necessary essence which is indispensable to create Faith, living Faith, ardent Faith, that Faith which impels every individual to feel the need, the invincible necessity to place himself in the hands of the Everlasting, not passively but with the most absolute and total dedication. Be fully persuaded: you must have faith, and faith alone, ardent, burning, absolute faith, for without it you will never be able to penetrate the mysteries of the Infinite. Queries will continually be cropping up and thrusting themselves into your minds, singly or together, but they will find no answer if you are lacking in faith. The famous principle, ubi consistam, the cornerstone of science, can only be Faith. The dictum: ”Knock and it will be opened unto you,” holds good only for those who have Faith, which means for men of goodwill. Each of you, individually, must question your own conscience and ask: “Am I among the men of goodwill? Can I knock in the hope that the Silver Portal will be opened to me and I shall be instructed in the mysteries, not with the purpose of satisfying a mere whim, or my ambition, my pride, but solely to find and follow the way that could help my fellow beings and benefit humanity?” This superficial, seemingly unsystematic embrace, is meant to awaken in you some sense of the vast range of concepts to be dealt with and the need to start on a study of the concepts themselves. I have sowed the seed in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: it is now your task to see that the seed germinates and bears fruit, your task to find the fit occasion and the time to communicate with Us to attain that knowledge and that understanding that are indispensable to bring to life the Law of Love. The seed is once more in your hands. Do not waste it but sow it carefully.
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