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From the Franciscan Families

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>  OFM Conv. Friars


International Franciscan Center for Dialogue

 06081 Assisi PG · Italy  - Piazzetta Sigismondo Spagnoli, 1


This Office has the assignment to promote the unity of Christians and the dialogue with the religions of the world. To this end, it develops the following activities:

  •  Spiritual assistance to the pilgrims of the different Christian Confessions

  •  Promotion of Interreligious dialogue and ecumenical activity under the sponsorship Conventual Friars

  •  Collaboration with the other Franciscan Families

  •  Collaboration with other ecumenical institutions which deal with interreligious dialogue.


This Office has established the following objectives:

  •  Provincial Delegates for ecumenism and the interreligious Dialogue within the Provinces of the Order

  •  Encourage erecting Centres for ecumenism and interreligious dialogue within the Provinces of the Order, particularly  in     those Countries where the presence of other Christian Confessions and other Religions are numerous

  •  To institute a Commission within the Order, to help the General Delegate for a more efficient Ministry

  •  To institute a source for information and communication either within or outside of the Order

  •  To organize interreligious meetings of ecumenical prayer, lectures and round tables.

For more detailed information we recommend you to contact the CEFID  e-mail: cefid@ofmconv.org  



OFM Friars


The Ecumenical Vocation of the Franciscan


The Commission for Ecumenical Dialogue of the General Curia has edited and published, in Italian, La Vocazione Ecumenica del Francescano - Sussidio per la formazione (182 pages).

It is available from the Office of Service for Dialogue in the General Curia. The text pretends to be an aid for personal reflection and for meetings of the Fraternity in the Local Chapter.

In the Presentation, the Minister General writes: "Welcome to the present instrument or aid, which wishes to urge and encourage in the Friars and Fraternities a way of formation that starts from knowledge in order to acquire experience of life".

The programme of study and reflection, found at the end of the aid, places the itinerary proposed at the heart of Franciscan spirituality. Each stage of reflection ends with a moment of interiorisation.


(extract from the official website ofm)



>  OFM Cap. Friars

Inter-Faith Dialogue in Indonesia

The Assembly on the Indonesian Island of Sumatra (Nagahuta / Pematangsiantar) encouraged the thirty-three Capuchin Delegates, and other Curia members from numerous regions of the world, to build bridges with other religions.  The slogan for the gathering was: “Interreligious Dialogue as a Way to Peace”.  The participants of the congress recalled the example of St. Francis of Assisi, who went beyond the time of the Crusades to visit the Sultan in order to talk and to search for peaceful solutions to the conflicts of the time.  In addition, there is a letter written to the Franciscan Order: “This event became in our time a strong symbol of the interreligious Dialogue throughout the world”.

At the beginning of the assembly, which was organized by the General Office of Justice, Peace and Ecology, the participants were reminded that fundamentalism and currents of extremism were experienced in diverse countries such as Nigeria and others.  It was pointed out that these fundamentalist movements characterized themselves by an aggressive intolerance.  Often the abuse of religion was used in order to arrive at power which in turn they exercised over others.  They used as their slogan: “God is on our side”.  One of the Capuchin brothers stressed that this fundamentalist tendency became part of every religion over the centuries.  To this day, both the religious and political fundamentalism is a complex issue and we must not rush to rash judgments. Indonesia, the host country for example, has a strong Muslim majority, but religion freedom prevails there.  The conflicts, which have broken out in the country between different religions have predominately social and ethnic causes.

“Dialogue of Life”

Mutual respect is possible when we have the conviction that God works in all religions. We can never create an environment free from all fundamentalism. However, Capuchins can help to build a world of better cooperation among all peoples. Thus, the “dialogue of life” is very important. Good relationships with ones neighbors is a common part of the social environment.  In order to create better relationships, we have to overcome mutual prejudices.  The example of our father Francis of Assisi encourages us to place positive cultural and theological values of others in the foreground rather than their errors or mistakes.  In this way, one can bring forth common initiatives in the social, spiritual and cultural areas and thus maintain the ecological balance.  In the concept of non-violence, the Capuchins at Sumatra expressed the conviction that such a “dialogue of life” diminishes the fears some have of others.  They also emphasized that in the spirit of non-violence, injustice does not have to be exchanged with injustice.  They proposed instead to invite followers of other religions to religious and cultural events and to go to their events whenever invited.  In addition, parishes and friaries could make space available for religious celebrations of other religions. During formation, all friars should receive a solid introduction to the other religions.  Some friars should likewise be formed as specialists in inter-religious dialogue and as mediators.


(extract from the official website ofm cap.)



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